He is an unapologetic jingoist who believes in the moral superiority of America, and by extension the Allied forces. Strangelove" a "little bit of Barry Goldwater" and "at least a tiny bit of Dubya creeping in there." Meta-wise, he holds President Dugan's position while having General Carville's patriotic, commie-hating attitude. Simmons claims in an interview that President Ackerman has "facets of George C. Played straight in the Soviet Campaign where he's the Final Boss. Bald of Evil: Or Anti-Hero, given his claims on Soviet backstabbing.His brash and self-righteous political tactics are a stark contrast to the British Field Marshal Robert Bingham, who has calm and stoic mannerisms. Ackerman is an enthusiastic and energetic leader, loyal to the American people. He ridicules the Soviets as "godless commies" and is willing to push the invading Soviet army from Europe (if not off the earth altogether). He is convinced the Soviet Union hates everything the United States stands for: freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and apple pie. Ackerman is an ambitious American politician whose political ideology is anticommunism. "You know those Russians can't be trusted, they hate everything about us, freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, apple pie.did I say freedom? Well it's worth saying again." Distinction Without a Difference: When the president calls demanding to know if the Allies are in fact negotiating a peace treaty with the Russians, Bingham's response is,.Cool Old Guy: As your resident superior officer in the Allied Campaign, he's definitely your go-to authority figure.

Composite Character: Borrows a lot of traits from President Dugan and General Von Essling.president Howard Ackerman, although they would clash more than once during the course of the war. For the rest of the war, he acted as Commander-in-Chief of the Allied forces and liaison to U.S. He recruited a young commander and successfully defended the British coast. All of our senior commanders are fighting in Europe, leaving the defense of Great Britain entirely in your hands."Ī British officer, Bingham oversaw the defense of England against the Soviet invasion forces. I'm told that you're a capable officer, well let's hope that this assessment is correct. I'm Field Marshal Robert Bingham, chief officer of the Allied military command.